Treating Pain

In the center of the orthopedic and neurosurgical treatment, the pain therapy. Millions and millions of people suffer from chronic pain. A large proportion of complaints concern orthopedic disorders of the joints and back. Therapists differ acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is a healthy reaction of our body and an important warning signal. For example, an acute herniated disc gives the brain a message from the incident affected nerve cells and triggers the sensation of “pain”. For acute pain, immediate relief is primary.

If pain does not or insufficiently treated, they can be chronic. Non-or poorly treated pain can be independent and a separate clinical picture. Chronic pain as opposed to acute pain and large, warning signal and lost. The treatment of chronic pain is complex and potentially lengthy, because they are from the original disease Done uncoupled. This should individually both the original disease as well as the pain Done treated.

Our therapy services includes:

  • Pain medication therapy
  • Local anesthesia (injection of painkillers, nerve blockades)
  • CT-controlled injection of local anaesthetics in the field of spine
  • CT-controlled injection of anti-inflammatory analgesic cytokine antagonists (IL-1Ra, anti-TNF) in the area of the spine
  • Injection therapy for arthritis with knorpelschützenden and biotechnological knorpelaufbauenden produced substances
  • Physiotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Microwave Power


Acupuncture is based on the long tradition of Chinese medicine back Its origins are in the middle of the third millennium before Christ dated. In the western world for many years complement the acupuncture the orthodox. In the orthopedic treatment, we acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain, and in degenerative and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis,.

By insertion of very fine needles at specific acupuncture points, pain and inflammation can be alleviated. The doctor places the acupuncture needle on the points in the so-called meridians of the body which are related to the sick or sore parts of the body. The stimulus triggers certain stimuli, in turn, the electrical excitability of nerve cells reduce or even block it. In addition, the acupuncture effect attributed to a immune response. Consequently, the increased number of white cells aids in the prevention of infections.

What happens during acupuncture?

Acupuncture is part of our practice of therapeutic concept. At a meeting acupuncture, the patient is relaxed on a couch. Depending on the treatment objective of the relevant medical acupuncture points. There the acupuncture needles, and possibly in addition stimulated.

The stabbed itself is almost painless. At the beginning of treatment, some patients feel a slight gravity, heat or pressure feeling. But this is different sensation usually after a few minutes a pleasant relaxation.

For acute illnesses should acupuncture often (up to once daily). For chronic diseases are two treatments per week is sufficient. The therapy should be about six to ten weeks. The therapy is free of side effects and can be repeated.

Micro Power

Micro-power can be used for bio-stimulation for pain and vascular and joint diseases. In this process, micro-power in the micro-ampere area. It is a recognized and especially in the sports medicine commonly used treatment method. Here, the body tissues targeted and locally defined micro-ampere currents stimulated healing. These follow the bio-electric power circuits our body, which both cell growth and cell regeneration and metabolism positively influenced. With electric currents, the natural communication of the body’s cells, based on transmitters (proteins) and ion flows (mainly sodium and potassium) based support.

The following applications are possible:

  • Pain
  • Leg
  • Treatment of scars healing disorders
  • Electric acupuncture
  • Joint and spinal therapy
  • Muscle tension
  • Strengthening of the connective tissue
  • Exit of inflammatory substances

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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