Dr. Baltzer Answers the 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Orthokine/ASC Therapy…
Q. How long does the beneficial effect of Orthokine/ACS therapy last?
A. The average duration of benefit is about 1-1.5 years, but many of our patients benefit even longer. In the ACS knee study the effect on pain and mobility persisted for at least 2 years. For some patients, the benefit is permanent.
Q. Are there side effects to be expected?
A. There are no major side effects known. In over 100,000 injections, we have never encountered a single infection.
Q. Are there any side effects at all?
A. A few patients (less than 1.5%) reported elevated pain levels after the first injection which disappeared spontaneously.
Q. Can I repeat the Orthokine/ACS therapy?
A. The Orthokine/ACS therapy is a purely biologic treatment produced from the patient’s own blood. It contains no analgesics, steroids or additives. As such, there is no restriction in repeating the treatment.
Q. Can I continue with my sports activities while undergoing the biological treatment?
A. Based on our experience with professional athletes, we have found there to be no restrictions in physical activity induced by the ACS therapy. In fact, certain exercises are found to be beneficial to the treatment by improving joint function and stability.
Q. How often may I repeat the Orthokine/ACS treatment?
A. There are no restrictions on the number of six day treatment series as long as they remain effective for patients.
Q. How many injections can I expect?
A. The most effective protocol involves one injection per joint or spinal site over a series of four to six days. Multiple sites can be injected each day.
Q. Do clinical studies confirm effects beneficial the effects of the Orthokine/ACS therapy?
A. Two clinical studies to date demonstrate the efficacy, safety and long-term benefits of the ACS therapy for the knee and lumbar spine.
Q. I am on a “blood thinners.” Can I still have the ACS therapy?
A. Yes, but some drugs may need to be changed before an injection therapy. Please ask your local doctor.
Q. Can I combine Orthokine/ACS therapy with other orthopedic procedures?
A. Clinical trials show that a combination with physiotherapy, acupuncture or other physical therapies seem to strengthen the positive effect of ACS treatment while enhancing pain reduction and joint mobility.
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Dr. Axel Baltzer
Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine