
Radiology is in the broadest sense, the visual representation of the human body and certain parts of the body. In addition to a medical examination, these images provide a recognizable, objective basis for the causes of your complaints. There is also Medical and Interventional Radiology. Here, with the help of various injections or tissue samples.

Equipment – investigations – CT-controlled ion point

In our state-of-the-art radiology department the following devices are available:

  • Magnetic Resonance Tomography (MRT)
  • Computer Tomography (CT)
  • Digital X-ray

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides fast and accurate interface images of the entire body. In our practice is available with the Avanto Magnetometer, “one of the world’s most modern and efficient medical machines. The MRI uses a so-called Total Imaging Matrix (TIM), which reduces the recording time and image quality over conventional devices significantly improved. The tissue contrast of MRI is very large, especially the distinction between healthy and diseased tissue easier.

With this latest generation of MRI comes the first full-body examinations. The examination is faster and quieter than conventional devices. A special technique for noise suppression reduces the noise level by up to 90 percent decline.

The investigation tube (205 cm) is also available for large people. During the imaging will be exposed to a magnetic field, the influence on the arrangement of atoms of hydrogen cells. These atoms are within the magnetic field in a certain position, which can be displayed. Radio waves cause then that the atoms after the examination in their natural state return. The procedure is not very onerous and works without ionizing radiation (energy radiation types). So far, no harmful effects of the procedure have been demonstrated.

Latest MRI technology: Magentom Avanto
Source Siemens AG, Medical Solutions

Computed Tomography (CT)

Computed Tomography (CT) is an X-ray procedure, in which images of the body are produced in “slices” over time. These images, the computer can convert into three-dimensional representations.

The CT-intake – in the abdomen or back position – occurs on a comfortable couch while you are moving through a short, large X-ray tube. The images are created during the rotation of the X-ray tube.

Our CT device ( “Somatom Emotion”) is characterized by very short examination times and an extremely low radiation exposure. In some cases, it is necessary that you have a well-tolerated contrast agent is injected to the soft tissues to be able to better define

Low radiation exposure by the Computertomograph Somatom

Source: Siemens AG, Medical Solutions

Digital X-ray

For X-rays, a digital X-ray machine strahlungsarmes (Multix Pro). In particular, to create functional and control recordings, the two-dimensional X-ray image an important role. When X-ray image is a negative image that the bone strahlungsundurchlässigen as bright areas and soft tissues, such as organs or muscles, as darker sections.

Earlier X-Rays were costly and slow, because film needed to be developed, but nowadays the pictures are produced immediately in digital form. Faster acquisition of X-ray images also has the benefit of lower radiation exposure.

Source: Siemens AG, Medical Solutions

Images to take away

After the radiological investigation are the pictures immediately and can be taken. Depending on the request, we manufacture a CD, X-ray images or paper prints for you.

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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