
The knee is the most commonly injured and most susceptible to arthritis of the joints of the body. It combines the two longest bones of the body, femur and tibia. Thus, the two bones can move effortlessly against each other, the joint surfaces with a cartilage layer. As an additional shock effect of the semi meniscus, which is between the two bones. The front area of the knee, the kneecap (patella).

The stability of the knee joint and provides a complex apparatus band from pages and cross-bands. In particular ligament injuries can use the knee as much damage to the cartilage surfaces affected and early arthritis. The operational timely repair of ligament injuries and cartilage defects, the joint is usually long and healthy a subsequent joint replacement can be avoided.

Frequent operations on the knee are:

  • Arthroscopy
  • Cartilage-bone transplant
  • Cartilage transplantation (ACT)
  • Meniscus Recovery
  • Operation Kreuzband
  • Correction of false
  • Artificial knee joint

The term arthroscopy is derived from the Greek and means joint reflection.

At the knee, this minimally invasive procedures as the standard-OP established. The Arthroskop provide over a camera pictures of the joint structures and the condition of the cartilage. At the same time it has working channels for small surgical procedures, such as flushing of the joint, smoothing the cartilage and removal of free joint bodies. Meanwhile allows greater arthroscopy on the knee joint interventions, such as the meniscus or cruciate ligament surgery. As a rule, the Arthroscopy an outpatient procedure.

Cartilage-bone transplant
The so-called cartilage-bone transplantation is used to treat cartilage damage small and medium size. These are healthy and less burdened with lots articular cartilage of a punch-bone cylinder removed. Then, this cartilage-bone cylinder in the transplanted cartilage defect. Thus, by injury or arthritis lost cartilage. In the follow-up examination arthroskopischen show are generally good results of the cartilage-bone transplant: The transplanted cartilage developed an almost normal abrasion resistance.

Cartilage transplantation (ACT)
The cartilage transplantation is used to seal a Knorpeldefektes with its own cartilage cells. The Autologous as Chondrozytentransplantation (ACT) procedures will be referred to the patient in an arthroscopy cartilage cells collected, in a pharmaceutical laboratory and finally to a fleece. The three-dimensional cartilage cushions in a second surgery to fit into the defect. It then connects with the healthy cartilage to a new load-bearing joint space. Using this technique can be defined biotechnology cartilage defects of 3-4 centimeters square are closed.

More about breeding cartilage

Meniscus Recovery
Characteristic of Meniskusverletzungen or Meniskusrisse are einschießende pain on the inner side of the knee. Sources of violations are frequent rotation of the knee inflected Skiing, soccer or other contact sports. In the course of life is also the strength of the crack Meniskusgewebes, so that through everyday nuisances, such as the disembarking from the car, a Meniskusverletzung can arise.

Meniskusverletzunngen should be arthroscopic surgery, as Meniskusrisse under stress tend to be widening. Above all, however, can be accessed by untreated Meniskusschaden osteoarthritis in the knee joint. The aim of the operation is to the meniscus. For the reconstruction of the meniscus “are new absorbable suture systems. They succeed in the high Meniskusnaht so that under favorable circumstances, a quick rehabilitation with the knee strain is possible.

Even with older Meniskusrissen a reconstruction may still be possible. This is low, not durchblutetes scar tissue removed. To ensure sufficient healing, in particular the meniscus vorgeschädigten to achieve, we recommend to the combination treatment with growth factors. The body naturally these proteins for healing and regeneration of injured tissues. Biotechnisch produced growth factors accelerate and improve the healing process.

Cruciate ligament operation
The cross-bands are for the stability of the knee. Above all, stop-and-go sports (football, tennis), Bergen big injury risks for the cross-bands. But while skiing, it is often referred to as turning Caps Dreams with a strain of the belt apparatus. In most cases, the anterior cruciate ligament injury affected.

A healing without surgery is practically not possible. The kreuzbandlose knee developed sooner or later arthritis, because it is unstable and usually not by muscle training can be stabilized. For these reasons we particularly sporty-active patients to a cruciate ligament operation.

Our current surgical technique based on long experience with the arthroskopischen cruciate ligament surgery. In essence, is about the reconstruction of the destroyed cruciate ligament through healthy tendons. These can – without injury to the knee – from the inside of the knee joint removed. The replacement cruciate ligament is on the thigh with a pen and resorbable at tibia resorbable head with a screw.

In addition, the Arthroscopy damage to cartilage and meniscus repaired.

The knee joint operation can take this technology be moved immediately, but should be in the first four weeks only partially charged. The operating result is generally good: After a year is a complete integration of the new cruciate ligament in the knee to be expected.

The Einheilung the cruciate ligament-transplant may be provided through a combination treatment with growth factors to be improved. The body naturally in injury growth factors, the healing process. Their impact can by the addition of biotechnological and blood products from its own growth factors massively increased. Even during the surgery, the healing process, especially the invasion of the replacement cruciate ligament in the bone.

Correction of Achsenfehlstellungen
Achsenfehlstellungen, such as X or O legs, an arthritis risk, caused by the unequal unilaterally strong stress on the inside or outside of the knee joint and uses the cartilage prematurely. The result is wear and joint pain.

For lighter false enough to contain a arthroscopy, in which the joint cleaned (joint toilet) and the cartilage surface smoothed (abrasion). Stronger should be false by a correction in the leg axis can be compensated. To Begradigung the joint surface is a bone wedge (at X-legs above the knee, with O-leg below the knee). The bones will be followed by plates and screws stabilized. The operation usually requires a hospital stay of one week. The recovery time is about eight weeks.

Artificial knee
The goal of our therapy is to make every possible effort to help the joints. But far advanced arthritis is a joint prosthesis in many cases the only way to resolve complaints.

For the replacement of the knee joint prostheses are different types available. The selection is made according to individual needs of patients. Frequently, titanium prostheses are used. Since the lost cartilage surface by metal or plastic surfaces will be replaced, the knee pain again be moved.

The use of an artificial knee joint is a frequently performed surgery. The majority of patients are good to very good results. The operation usually requires a hospital stay of one week, which followed a rehabilitation. The duration of incapacity is six to eight weeks. The life of the prosthesis is today usually 15-20 years and more.

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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