The hip joint is the largest of the human body. It represents the connection between trunk, pelvis and legs, and thus our body weight. The hip is in the course of life great strain. Even when a body weight of 70 kilograms, the joint on a short walk five kilometers in each step charged with 300 kg. Hip hip pfanne head and have a smooth cartilage layer. The cartilage layer may vary according to wear burden. According to the joint is prone to wear, which is in pain, stiffness and limitation of movement expresses
Coxarthrose – wear and tear of the hip joint
The wear of the Hüftgelenkes as Coxarthrose. It is to reduce the substance of the hip cartilage gelenk areas. Due to the high mechanical stress the hip joint is particularly vulnerable to signs of wear.
The Coxarthrose affects men and women equally and in the same frequency. The disease is usually relapsing: phases of active inflammation change complaint with free stages. The increasing degradation leads to joint pain, gradual Einsteifung, functional disability and a significant loss of quality of life. Various drug treatments can bring relief. Good experiences in the biotechnological treatment with Orthokin.
Artificial hip joint
For far advanced arthritis are the complaints only an artificial joint to fix. It is completely destroyed hip joint replaced. The life of the implants is now modified and improved through materials from 15 to 20 years. In any case, the operation to an intensive care gymnastic sick. After about three months, to walk without crutches again completely.
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Dr. Axel Baltzer
Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine