Upper ankle

The upper ankle – as the knee or hip joint – because of its high stress often develops osteoarthritis and cartilage damage. In addition to assessment and can wear altersbedingtem injuries or illnesses, such as the so-called osteochondrosis dissecans, the cause.

The following treatments of the Upper ankle we offer:

  • Osteochondrosis dissecans
  • Operational arthritis treatment
  • Cartilage-bone transplant

Osteochondrosis dissecans

The Osteochondrosis dissecans usually develops in adolescence or early adulthood. This formed a “joint mouse”, a piece of bone cartilage, which is fixed in the joint and the joint in his mobility hampered. Through the normal joints, in the course of time to turn belages tear of the cartilage and the formation of a “crater” in the joint area. This leads to pain at first, then the restriction of movement and finally to the complete destruction of the joint surface.

In order to prevent osteoarthritis, local cartilage defects repaired. To this end, depending on the stage of disease different surgical techniques available.

Operational arthritis treatment

Even with an advanced arthritis of the joint operations can be helpful, because often the relatively simple removal of Einklemmungen (Impingement) of shares to joint pain can lead freedom. These interventions can in many cases arthroscopic implemented.

Cartilage-bone transplant

For already more advanced cartilage defects, the cartilage-bone transplant make sense, through the use of the body’s resources early Gelenkversteifung or joint replacement (Endoprothese).

In eingerissener, unstable or broken joint surface cartilage, the bone transplantation also the possibility of the joint surface restored. In this operation, cartilage defect in the first cylindrical ausgestanzt and then by cartilage cells from the knee up.

After the operation must have a consistent physiotherapy carried out to the movement radius of the joint to obtain. In addition, there is the opportunity provided by the treatment with modern body knorpelschützenden therapeutics the reconstruction of the joint promotion. Furthermore, the ankle to a healing of cartilage-bone cylinder for about eight weeks only partially charged. At least after a year of the transplanted cartilage is completely in the surrounding cartilage.

Zehende formitäten

Hallux valgus

Under a hallux valgus is the painful misalignment of the big toe. This change should be dealt with, because they contribute to painful arthritis and disability while running can lead to. By Abwinkelung in the big toe joint leads to a thickening at the foot inside with an inflammatory irritation. The misalignment of the toe is usually attributed to a Splayfoot, to a wider forefoot. The train on the toe ansetzenden muscles, the misalignment becomes even greater. Causes shoes (pointed shoes, high paragraphs), obesity and long standing. Also through connective tissue or rheumatism, a hallux valgus.


In the early stage and with low expression of hallux valgus, a surgery on the joint capsule and muscles. In advanced stages, there are different surgical techniques, to the morbid spreizung From the big toe to correct them. In essence, is a change in the bone.

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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