Biotech Procedures
Biotechnical therapies enrich the range of conservative therapy in orthopaedics. In contrast to mere treatment of symptoms, they work directly on the root causes of disease itself. Our team has decades of research in the biological processes of degenerative diseases of joints, spine and disc. The main lesson: inflammation caused by certain immune substances (cytokines) play a central role in the genesis of joint and back disorders.
The benefits offered by biotechnology therapies to a large extent exploit the natural “opponents” of this aggressive immune system attackers (Cytokine Antagonists). The cytokine antagonists inhibit inflammation, pain and cartilage degradation. The impact of biotechnology therapies usually lasts from several months to several years. Another advantage is how well-tolerated the Cytokine Antagonists are by the body. Since they are in large part synthesized within the body, side effects or allergic reactions are very rare.
Our biotech therapy services includes:
- Treatment of osteoarthritis and cartilage damage to the joints with Orthokin ®
- Treatment of spinal wear and sciatic suffering with Orthokin ®
- Treatment of herniated disc and sciatica with anti-TNF-alpha
- Treatment of sports injuries, as or torn ligament or meniscus with Osteokine ® and growth factors
- Coating of prostheses and acceleration of bone healing by Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP)
Download a Special Report
Orthokine™ is a brand new treatment that is making a significant impact for people with Osteoarthritis.
Download our 7 page .pdf report on the Orthokine™ treatment to help determine if it is right for you. Simply fill in the form below to receive a copy of this valuable free report.
Clinical Research on Orthokine
Official Orthokine Site
Orthokine on
Cartilage Transplantation
Questions about the Treatment?
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Dr. Axel Baltzer
Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine