Conservative Treatments

Orthopaedic standard therapy

Pain, restriction of movement and loss of mobility are the most common symptoms of degenerative joint diseases. The conservative, non-operational therapy for orthopedic diseases consists of medical and non-drug treatments.

We offer the following conservative treatments:

  • Drug Therapy
  • Cortisone
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Non-Drug Therapy

Drug Therapy

The aim of drug therapy is to alleviate pain and the functioning of the joints. Standard treatment of arthritis is the combination of painkillers and cortisone drugs to pain and inflammation treatment. For the pain treatment are different classes of medicines available:

  • Slight pain medication (paracetamol): analgesic, but no anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs (uaDiclofenac). Problem: Studies show that, especially in elderly patients gastrointestinal and renal diseases to treatment with anti Nichtsteroidalen attributed. Studies show that over 65-year-olds 20-30 percent of all hospital records and all deaths from stomach and duodenal ulcers on the use of NSAIDs fall. This is a new generation of painkillers, the so-called Coxibe, and a similar effect in reducing the burden on the digestive tract.
  • Opioids / opiates (Tramal, morphine): The morphin or morphinderivat-containing drugs do not belong to standard therapy, but may appear in severe arthritis. Here the orientation stage scale for pain of the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Ointments: The efficacy of analgesic ointments is controversial. However, many arthritis patients durchblutungsfördernde ointments as beneficial. The effectiveness of ointments limited to the joint surrounding tissue, pain and inflammation style action inhibition have not been established.


An injection of cortisone (Glucocorticosteroiden) is recommended for acute arthritis. The drug, however, is by no means in non-acute arthritis. Here the therapeutic benefits which may knorpelschädigenden effect of Kortisons each other. The injection into the affected joints should be used only for a limited period are applied. Overall, the effectiveness of the joint Kortisongaben only by weak studies. However, the medical experience that fast cortisone therapy successes achieved and short-term pain can be mitigated.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the synovial fluid. It is responsible for the gliding of the joint and buffers pressure loads. As medicines should especially for knee osteoarthritis joint worn the “smear” and thus its ability to function. The results so far of therapy with hyaluronic acid are contradictory. In addition, local incompatibilities are not uncommon.

Non-Drug Therapy

The aim of therapy is to maintain and improve joint and muscle function and the delay in osteoarthritis. A large role for the physical and physical therapy. In particular, physiotherapy, underwater movement therapy, heat and cold applications, and electro-therapy baths and packs can be used.

As a non-drug “basic therapy” of osteoarthritis in the early stages, the combination of heat application and movement therapy successful. For most patients with degenerative joint disease, is however the combination of non-drug and drug therapy.

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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