
The shoulder joint is the most complicated joint in the body. Because the upper spherical head is through various muscles and tendons in the flat of the shoulder joint pfanne Journal. The overarching shoulder joint muscle group is called the rotator cuff.

The most common violation of Schultergelenks is the Auskugeln (dislocation). The most common non-traumatic disorder is a shoulder tendon Clamping (Impingement) between the head and upper shoulder roof. Due to its high stress is the shoulder joint vulnerable to infections and wear.

The operative treatment, with the exception of shoulder prosthesis in the Schultergelenks arthroscopy. This is a small, mostly outpatient surgery with less burden on the patient. The advantage of this minimally invasive method is that the shoulder joint is not opened. In the Arthroscopy can be sewn injuries and causes of complaints, such as limestone deposits, to be resolved.

Frequent injuries and illnesses on the shoulder are:

  • Shoulder arthroscopy
  • Shoulder dislocation
  • En rotator cuff rupture
  • Impingement (Clamping)
  • Lime shoulder
  • Chronic shoulder stiffened
  • Shoulder prosthesis

Arthroscopy of the shoulder

Arthroscopy literally translated means “joint review”. This is a small cut in the shoulder (about four millimeters) probe with a small camera in the shoulder joint. The camera is equipped with a screen connected to the operator and provides insight into the shoulder joint. A second, equally inconspicuous average, then the surgical instruments into the joint. On the screen, the surgeon exactly the way the fine tools. All structures are shoulder arthroscopy in on the screen and can closely for damage and injuries, and specifically treated.


A typical sports injury is the Auskugeln the shoulder (dislocation). It solves a complex band capsule from the shoulder pan, with the upper head of the joint jumps. First, a Einrenken the shoulder by the surgeons. The shoulder remains, however – especially among young patients – by the violation unstable and may be renewed without auskugeln accident again.

In the case of repeated Auskugeln allow new arthroscopic techniques with young resorbable bone anchors an exact restoration of the shoulder joint capsule. With special probe instruments, the loose shoulder joint capsule and making an anchor again on the bone attached. The most sportaktiven patients remains a major open surgery saves.

Open capsule reconstructions are only in exceptional cases erforderlich.Zur After treatment is a quiet position in a sling for four to six weeks is needed. According to a specific training programme started. About three months after the patients of their sporting activity again.


The rotator cuff consists of four tendons, the upper head and include them in movements of the joint in the shoulder joint pan center. With increasing age and also by violations can lead to a rift (rupture) in this cuff tendons. Depending on the size should be the crack arthroscopic repair. Through mobilization of the tendon and introduction of absorbable screws, the tendon back to their origin on the bone attached. After all, depending on the size of Sehnendefektes, a Quiet position of the arm in a sling for four to six weeks is needed. During this time, the arm passively mobilised to Schultersteife by bonding to avoid scarring. Then begins a special training shoulder until about three months after the full mobility and strength of the shoulder is reached.


The most common problem is a shoulder muscle-tendon Clamping (Impingement) between the head and upper shoulder blade. The cause Enge are bony projections on the front scapula flammable or aufgetriebene with lime or durchsetzte tendon. Benefiting the Impingement Syndrome by constant overload the tendon overhead load (eg throwing) or other transfers efforts to sports. Sometimes is also a chronic Poor in the workplace the sole cause of Clamping.

The arthroscopic therapy in the expansion of the space under the roof shoulder. This gives you the gates of Rota tendon more space. The chronic irritation of the tendon may fall. With the help of imported arthroscopic probe instruments ( “Shaver”) will be gradigt bone projections. Also, shares of inflamed mucus beutels. Damage and the cracks are trapped arthroscopic tendon stabilized or sewn, so that the muscles and tendons enough leeway.

Lime shoulder

Frequently it is by Kalkeinlagerungen Rota in the gates of tendons to hochschmer zhaften Einklem rules. Arthroskopisch, the limestone deposits reliable advice and remove. The patients are virtually overnight symptoms. The arthroscopic shoulder treatment of lime is the most successful methods to solve this problem; are generally around 90% of patients after such surgery pain.

Chronic shoulder stiffened

In chronic Schultersteife it comes to a Einsteifung the shoulder capsule by inflammatory bonding, also known as the “Frozen Shoulder” (frozen shoulder). This is often a complete and very painful loss of motion joint. If a conservative treatment is not successful, the joint capsule through a gentle arthroscopic surgery to be solved. This will move the joint again. To make a lasting treatment success, the patient after the mobilization of a consistent gymnastisches ill-treatment program.

Shoulder prosthesis

In severe arthritis of the shoulder gelenkes, false or complicated fractures of the upper head is a reconstruction of the Schultergelenkes by implanting an artificial Schultergelenkes.

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

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