Cartilage Defects

Repair of Cartilage defects with body’s own tissue

Cartilage acts as a natural shock absorber in the joint. Osteoarthritis develops through sport injuries, overweight or progressive wear and tear leading to cartilage damage. Repair of cartilage damage by transplanting autologous cartilage cells provides the possibility to heal the cartilage defect and counteract further degradation of the joint.

Local, limited cartilage defects should be treated in order to prevent osteoarthritis. Cartilage transplantation is one method to repair the cartilage damage. The cartilage tissue is regenerated and generally fully functional in about 12 months.

Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation (ACT)

For Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation healthy cartilage cells are removed from the patient during a first knee arthroscopy. These cells are proliferated and seeded onto a collagen fleece in a clean room laboratory. This matrix is inserted and tightly fitted into the cartilage defect. Cartilage defects up to 15 cm2 in size can be treated with the Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation.

Controlling of the cartilage transplant

When can you get back to normal life?

The joint can be partly loaded eight weeks after surgery. Light sports such as swimming or cycling can be taken up again after around three to four months. The complete healing process requires about nine to twelve months.

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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