
Our goal is that all non-invasive treatment possibilities be considered for our patients in order to avoid surgery. However, in cases of serious incidences of disc or advanced spine damage, a surgical treatment may be recommended.

We provide the following neurosurgical operations:

  • Disc surgery
  • Implantation of a titanium pin (X-Stop) in the Spinal Canal

Intervertebral disc surgery

For acute neurological disorders (paralysis, bladder, rectum disorder) or not to improving conservative complaints is an intervertebral disc surgery. In an open spine surgery is a small cut made under the operating microscope and the disc and nerve root uncovered. Then we remove the degenerated intervertebral disc tissue, which exposes the nerve. The biggest risk in this process is the formation of scar tissue in the access area. This can cause complications, so we do our best to explore all conservative treatment options, especially biotechnological methods, before performing surgery.

In some cases an endoscopic spine surgery makes the most sense. Laser treatments are not recommended due to the comparatively poor results.

Implantation of a titanium pin (X-Stop) in the Spinal Canal

Spinal canal stenosis is a severe form of spinal wear and tear. It consists of a narrowing of the spinal canal, with individual vertebrae pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord. The spinal cord is in a “vise”: consequences include intense back pain and numbness or tingling in buttocks, thighs or calves. The most commonly affected region is the lumbar section of the spine.

The diagnosis is in addition to the clinical examination by an MRI, where a contrast agent investigation into the spinal canal (myelography). Creates a small corrective surgery: To relieve pressure on the spine a titanium pin is inserted between the affected vertebrae. The implant, trade name “X-Stop” (Stop Extension), is a mechanical way to free the nerve fibers, relieving pressure on the vertebrae.

The burden for patients by the walk-in or outpatient surgery is very low. Patients generally recover in about 6 weeks. A rehabilitation is not required. According to a clinical study, 80 percent of the implant patients showed a significant improvement of symptoms, particularly in cases of pain when walking.

When it comes to Wirbelkanalstenose narrowing of the spinal canal (left). The titanium pin of the spinal canal may be relieved (right).

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Dr. Axel Baltzer

Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Dr. Axel Baltzer

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