3-D Spinal Surveying
The three-dimensional spine Surveying (3-D measurement) goes beyond the usual X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic studies. It makes highly accurate measurements and determines the state of the skeletal structure, especially the spine. The 3-D measurement is a combination of modern video technology and data processing. The skeleton and muscles are measured using a light grid. The 3-D Spinal Survey in this way allows us to identify not only the causes of a patient’s pain, but also precise and repeated check-ups throughout the therapy.
The 3-D measurement system is used for diagnosis of back and spinal problems, pelvic and hip conditions, leg length differences and tensions of recurring neck and spine. The development of Wirbelsäulenverkrümmungen (scoliosis) may well help with this investigation be controlled. The method is free of radiation exposure and therefore is low-risk for pregnant or elderly patients.
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Dr. Axel Baltzer
Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine