The center of the development of our biotechnology therapies is our own laboratory. This laboratory has a state-of-the-art biotechnological facility, including a clean room in which we maintain sterile conditions for synthesizing our patients’ medications. Here we began in 1996 isolating the anti-inflammatory substance interleukin from the blood of individual patients. The research resulted in the now widespread arthritis therapy with Orthokin ®. The development of other biotech drugs or therapies, such as the use of the body’s own cartilage transplantation abilities, followed. We have many new biological therapies in orthopedics, for which we have received international recognition as well as copyright.
We use both autologous (from the body) and biotechnology-derived therapeutic proteins. These proteins give us the first opportunity in the emergence of diseases to intervene and stop inflammation and thus accelerate the healing process. In addition, we also closely involved in the regeneration of tissues, like nerve roots, spine, bone and cartilage. In our laboratory, we combine our clinical experience with our latest scientific findings.
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Orthokine™ is a brand new treatment that is making a significant impact for people with Osteoarthritis.
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Clinical Research on Orthokine
Official Orthokine Site
Orthokine on
Cartilage Transplantation
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Dr. Axel Baltzer
Dr. Axel Baltzer is a Medical Specialist for Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine